Romeo Dipura M. Phil.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Promotionsstudent
Graduiertenkolleg KRITIS, Stadt- und Raumsoziologie
work +49 6151/16-28570
S4|22 303
Besuch: Landwehrstraße 48a, 64293 Darmstadt
Post: Dolivostraße 15, 64923 Darmstadt
- Städtische Governance
- Urbane Infrastruktur
- Urbane Resilienz
- Stadtplanung
- Urbanismus des Südens
Toward Urban Wastewater Resilience? Governing Heterogenous Sociotechnical Solutions in Cape Town
While there is growing engagement with the concept of resilience in the urban water sector, most of this research has focused on resilience building in water supply infrastructure. Less is known about resilience in the urban wastewater sector, particularly in Southern cities. This thesis examines how resilience-building sociotechnical interventions in Cape Town’s wastewater sector are governed across the neighbourhood and city scale. It explores how actors respond to wastewater management challenges and what synergies, conflicts, and trade-offs emerge. This thesis contributes to understanding the socio-spatially contingent governance of infrastructure change towards resilient urban wastewater systems.
Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten | |
seit 10/2022 |
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter im Graduiertenkolleg KRITIS (Kritische Infrastrukturen: Konstruktion, Funktionskrisen und Schutz in Städten) und am Fachgebiet Stadt- und Raumsoziologie |
09/2022 – | Stadtplaner bei Arup Private Limited, Zimbabwe |
04/2022 – | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter für das „Global City Leaders Survey“, Cornell University, USA |
09/2021 – | Studentische Hilfskraft am „Environmental and Geographical Sciences Department“, University of Cape Town, South Africa |
02/2021 – | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am „African Centre for Cities“, University of Cape Town |
Studium | |
02/2020 – 06/2022 | Master of Philosophy in Urban Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa |
08/2014 – 07/2018 | Bachelor of Science Honours in Rural and Urban Planning, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe |
- Canon Collins Wissenschaftler
- Stipendium des African Centre for Cities und der Mellon Foundation
- ARUP Insgesamt bester Student 2018
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2023 | KRITIS System of Systems International Conference |
Zimbabwe Institute for Regional and Urban Planners (ZIRUP)
South African Council For Planners (SACPLAN)