Picture: Foto Studio Hirch

Kurt Poeschl M.A. M.A. M.A.

Research assistant I PhD student

Working area(s)

Research Training Group KRITIS, Urban and Spatial Sociology


Work S4|22 303
Dolivostr. 15
64293 Darmstadt

  • Urban Sociology
  • Architecture and Cultural Heritage
  • Visual Anthropology
  • Gender and Migration
  • Affect Theory

Contested Urban Constructions: Valparaíso’s Ascensores as Cultural Heritage and Critical Infrastructures

The widely visible presence of Valparaíso’s public funiculars (ascensores) is one of the city’s most distinct features – a unique infrastructural response to the natural topography of the bay area and the abundance of steep hills that surround it.

Although they are operating infrastructures, the ascensores are at the same time already musealized. Their competing functions as a mode of transportation for residents and as an attraction for tourist visitors indicates a broader rift between the politics of their material quality and representational practices/interpretations.

What is driving the transformation of Valparaíso’s ascensores from a critical infrastructure for locals to a vehicle for tourist visitors, and what are the sociotechnical implications? – Focusing on the criticality of these systems, and their construction, I examine how access to infrastructure became a contested right. I ask how bodies, power, and mobility intersect within the contemporary city, and what forms cost-effective governance takes on in a highly marketed, urban environment.

My study of the material and discursive maintenance of Valparaíso’s ascensores will link infrastructure and tourism research, contribute to the ongoing debate on how infrastructure is shaped by juridico-political practices and specific visions of modernity, and add ethnographic data on the material experiences on which different social actors, groups, and institutions ground their identities.

Academic Education
09/2022 Master of Arts in Visual Anthropology, Georg-August-University Göttingen
11/2020 Master of Arts in Anthropology, Princeton University
10/2015 Master of Arts in German Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
08/2013 Bachelor of Arts in Art History, Karl-Franzens-University Graz
07/2013 Bachelor of Arts in European Ethnology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Professional Experience
12/2022-01/2024 Junior Project Manager in UX Research for Medical Devices, Darmstadt
2022 Researcher at the Centre for Global Migration Studies, Georg-August-University Göttingen
2018 Assistant of Instructor, Visible Evidence: Documentary Films and
Data Visualizations seminar, Princeton University
2016 -2017 Student Assistant at YLAB, Georg-August-University Göttingen
2011-2013 Research employee at the Institute for Art in Public Space Styria
2010-2011 Tutor in Cultural Anthropology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz
2021 Annual Styrian Film Scholarship:
“Rishkimet / Reviews” Exhibition of own photographs on post-dictatorship, memory and material heritage (Zeta Gallery , Tirana, Albania )

qendrazeta.com/2021/10/28/exhibitiongraz tirana residency program/
2018-2020 Fellowships for Graduate Student Research in Chile and Germany.
  • Princeton Institute of Latin American Studies
  • Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
2017-2020 Fellowship in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Princeton University
Funding for “The Painters of the Future”, an ethnographic film (87 min.) on the role of urban art in city development in Halle (Saale)
  • Georg-August-University Göttingen and AKB Foundation
2014 Erna-Neuse Award for Best Graduate Essay of the Year: The Nuremberg Trials and the Role of Film as Legal Evidence
  • Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Rutgers University
2014 Research grant for the study of the film “The Joyless Street” (1925)
  • Institut d'histoire du temps présent, CNRS, Université Paris VIII
2013-2014 SAS Excellence Fellowship and Max Kade Fellowship, Rutgers University
2022 “Hammer and paint, nothing else”, In: Association d’Ethnologie (Ed.): In:Sights. International Student Journal of Anthropology, Nr. 1, p.130-133.
2020 “Im skopischen Stromkreis”, In: KIÖR Steiermark et al. (Ed.): Uncurated. Unbefugte Interventionen im Grazer Stadtraum, p.50-75.
2013 “Der Bildungsbaukasten. Der universitäre Weg und das Ikea-Prinzip”, In: Recherche, Zeitung für Wissenschaft (Vienna), Nr. 1, p.15-16.
2012 “On the Evidence of Self-Destruction: Review of the Exhibition Modernity: The Suicide of Art?”, Kunsttextwerkstatt at Grazer Kunstverein, no page web.
“Das gezähmte Wasser – Grazer Stadtparkbrunnen, Brunnenwerk La Concorde und Parabol”, In: Stadt Graz (Ed.): Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Graz, Nr. 42, p.207-234.
2024 “The Painters of the Future”. Presentation and discussion of my ethnographic film in cinemas in Leipzig, Dresden, and Halle (Saale) (organized in collaboration with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung)

“The Painters of the Future”. Presentation and discussion of my ethnographic film at Network Urban Research, TU Darmstadt (invited)
2018 A Radical Present: Art in An Abandoned Meat Processing Plant. Anthropology Salon, Princeton University (invited)
2014 Boundless Joy and Endless Grief – Sex, Gender and the Nation State in G.W. Pabst’s The Joyless Street (1925). Université Paris-VIII (invited)
2012 The Green Public – The Graz City Park and the Resistance to its Works of Art. Graz Museum (invited)
Unauthorized or self-empowered? – Artistic interventions in public space. Papierfabrik Graz (organizer)
Crisis and Protests in Styria: Platform 25 – A Social Movement?
University of Graz (organizer)
On the Evidence of Self-Destruction: The Reopening of the Neue Galerie Graz and the Exhibition Modernity: The Suicide of Art?, Grazer Kunstverein (invited)