Prof. Dr. Sybille Frank
Professor for Urban and Spatial Sociology, Head of Chair, Head of AG Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung
Working area(s)
Urban and Spatial Sociology
work +49 6151/16-57381
S3|13 315
Residenzschloss 1
Office hours will take place weekly from April 18, 2024 in Room 315 (Residenzschloss 1, building S3|13) or by telephone:
- Thursday 11:00 - 12:00 hours
Please register by e-mail (kollross@ifs.tu-…) via the secretary's office.
This is my Team Staff at the Department of Urban and Spatial Sociology
- Sociology of cultural heritage
- Sociology of tourism
- Sociology of violence
- Urban sociology
- Spatial sociology
Current projects | |
Since 2022 | Head of the DFG project „Tourism and Residential Quality in Small Towns“ TU Darmstadt/TU Berlin |
Since 2022 | Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe) Member of the BMBF Research Center “Transformations of Political Violence”, Institute for Peace and Conflict Research (HSFK) Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Philipps University Marburg, Technical University of Darmstadt, sub-project: “The Heritage of Terrorist Attacks in Urban Public Space” |
Since 2018 | KRITIS Member of the DFG Research Training Group “Critical Infrastructures: Construction, Functional Crises and Protection in Cities”, TU Darmstadt |
Completed Projects | |
2018-2022 | Kiez in der Tourismusfalle : Head of the DFG project “Kiez in der Tourismusfalle? A Investigation of the change in residential quality due to tourist accommodation in selected residential areas in Berlin”, TU Darmstadt/TU Berlin |
2020-2021 | Urban neighborhoods in the tourism trap! Teaching research project “Urban neighborhoods in the Tourism Trap”, TU Darmstadt |
2016-2021 | Identity and Heritage Member of the DFG Research Training Group “Identity and Heritage”, TU Berlin/Bauhaus University Weimar |
2013-2018 | Berlin – New York – Toronto Member of the international DFG Research Training Group “The World in the City: Metropolitanism and Globalization from the 19th Century to the Present”, TU Berlin |
2012-2018 | Innovation Society Member of the DFG Research Training Group “Innovation Society Today: The reflexive production of the new”, TU Berlin |
2017-2018 | How modern is Darmstadt? Teaching research project “How modern is Darmstadt? The nomination of the Mathildenhöhe as a UNESCO World Heritage Site”, TU Darmstadt |
2014-2016 | Smart People Dialogue Platform “Smart People”, organized in cooperation with the Institute for Architecture, the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning, the Center for Technology and Society and the Center for Metropolitan Studies at the TU Berlin, funded by the internal research funding of the TU Berlin |
2011-2014 | City marketing DFG research project “The staging of the whole: city marketing and the logic of cities”, TU Darmstadt/TU Berlin |
2008-2013 | Eigenlogik der Städte Collaboration in the LOEWE focus “Eigenlogik der Städte” at the Technical University of Darmstadt |

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Stages of Academic Career | |
Since 2017 | Head of the “Working Group Interdisciplinary Urban Research", Technical University of Darmstadt |
Since 2016 | Full Professor of Urban and Sociology and Sociology of Space, Institute of Sociology, TU Darmstadt |
2019 | Call to the full professorship for “Cultural Heritage and Protection of Cultural Property”, University of Heidelberg (rejected) |
2016-2017 | City of Vienna Visiting Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space 2016, Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SkuOR), TU Vienna |
2012-2016 | Junior Professor of Urban and Regional Sociology, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
2011-2012 | Acting Chair for Sociology of Space, Institute for Social and Political Analysis, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main |
2008-2011 | Research Fellow (Post-Doc), LOEWE focus area “Intrinsic Logic of cities”, TU Darmstadt |
2003-2008 | Research Fellow, Chair of General Sociology/Sociological Theory, Institute of Sociology, TU Darmstadt |
2000-2002 | Research Fellow, GIF-funded Project “Changes in Individual Attitudes and Collective Identities”, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) |
Prizes, Fellowships and Stays as Visiting Scholar | |
2024 | Visiting Scholar, Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH), University of Melbourne |
2020 | Visiting Scholar, School of Architecture and Urban Design, RMIT University |
2016-2018 | Host and mentor of Dr. Mirjana Ristic (University of Melbourne), Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
2016 | La Sapienza Visiting Professor for Research Activities, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ed Economiche, Sapienza Università di Roma (endowed) |
2016 | Visiting Scholar, Alfred Deakin Research Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University |
2016 | Visiting Scholar, Center for African Studies, School of African and Gender Studies, Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Cape Town |
2016 | Winner of the second prize, Exemplary Teaching Award of the Society of Friends of TU Berlin for excellent teaching at BA level |
2014 | Visiting Fellowship, Urban Heritage Research Cluster, Priority Research Area Critical Heritage Studies, University of Gothenburg (endowed) |
2014 | Guest Researcher, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), affiliated to the President’s Project Group and the Research Unit Cultural Sources of Newness |
2012 | Honoree, „Geisteswissenschaften International – Preis zur Förderung der Übersetzung geisteswissenschaftlicher Werke“ (Humanities International – funding prize for the translation of humanistic writings) for the PhD thesis „Der Mauer um die Wette gedenken. Die Formation einer Heritage-Industrie am Berliner Checkpoint Charlie” (Competing for the Best Wall Memorial. The Heritage Industry at Berlin’s Checkpoint Charlie), awarded by Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort, and the German Federal Foreign Office |
Academic Qualifications | |
2015 | Positive interim evaluation as Junior Professor for Urban and Regional Sociology, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin |
2008 | Dr. phil. in Sociology, Department of History and Social Sciences, Technical University of Darmstadt (summa cum laude) |
2003-2008 | PhD-Student in Sociology at the Department for Social Sciences and History, TU Darmstadt |
2000 | Diploma in Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin (first class) |
1995-2000 | Studies in Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin |
1994-1995 | Year abroad for studies in Sociology, University of Glasgow |
1991-1994 | Comparative Literary Studies, University of Bielefeld (interim examination ‘Magister-Zwischenprüfung’) |
Professional Affiliations | |
Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) | |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS, German Sociological Association) - Section Sociology of Knowledge - Section Sociology of the Body and of Sports - Section Urban and Regional Sociology - Founding member of the interdisciplinary junior research network Stadt-Raum-Architektur (City–Space–Architecture) in the DGS |
Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung (GSU, Society for Urban History and Research) | |
International Sociological Association (ISA) - Research Committee 14 on Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture - Research Committee 16 on Sociological Theory - Research Committee 21 on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development - Research Committee 50 on International Tourism |
Memory Studies Association (MSA) | |
ProFiL – Professionalization of Women in Research and Lecturing, Academic Networking Association | |
Academic Consultancy | |
Since 2021 | Appointed Member of the Council for Naming of Streets, City of Darmstadt |
Since 2020 | Appointed Member of the Scientific Advisory Board Reichsparteitagsgelände (Nazi party rally grounds), City of Nuremberg |
Since 2019 | Elected member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Sociological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie DGS, re-elected in 2023) |
Since 2017 | Appointed Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SKuOR), Technical University Vienna |
2019-2022 | Appointed Member of the Expert Committee Intangible Cultural Heritage of the German UNESCO Commission |
2018–2020 | Appointed Member of the Council for Ethics and Technology of the Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH (Smart City Darmstadt Ltd) |
Edited Book Series | |
Co-editor of Kultursoziologische Stadtforschung (Cultural Sociological Urban Research), Campus Verlag | |
Co-editor of Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung (Urban History and Urbanisation Research), Franz Steiner Verlag |
For an overview of my supervisions and reviews of doctoral theses, please follow the Link .