Dr. Claudia Ba
Research assistant
Working area(s)
Urban and Spatial Sociology
work +49 6151/16-57344
S3|13 310
Residenzschloss 1
- Qualitative methods
- Visual Methods and Research on Visual Methodology
- Spatial Theory
- Constructions of Identity and Heritage
- Research on Racism
- Sociology of Tourism
- West Africa
Iconic coherence
On inheriting the Kankurang in Senegal and The Gambia
The performative and materialized heritage of the Kankurang initiation rite in Senegal and The Gambia is safeguarded by the UNESCO as »Intangible Cultural Heritage«. Using this visualised heritage, Ba examines how dichotomous understandings of modernity and tradition are being reframed in the respective nation states. With her concept of iconic coherence, she situates globally fluctuating images of visual heritage constructions in contemporary societies. In doing so, she creates a new mode of memory research whose broad analytical potential is aimed at social, cultural and historical studies, but also at those who are interested in working with images that circulate globally.
Professional Training | |
since 2022 | Post-Doc at the Chair of Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space, TU Darmstadt |
2021 – 2022 | Scholarship Holder Ingenium Career Bridging Grant, TU Darmstadt |
2021 | Post-Doc in the DFG-funded project “Berlin Quarters in the tourism trap” at the Chair of Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space, TU Darmstadt |
2021 | PhD “Iconic Coherence. On inheriting the Kankurang in Senegal and The Gambia” supervised by Martina Löw and Gabriele Dolff-Bonekämper, TU Berlin |
2020 | Parental leave (6 months) |
2019 – 2021 | Prae-Doc in the DFG-project “Berlin Quarters in the tourism trap” at the Chair of Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space, TU Darmstadt |
2016 – 2019 | Research Assistant with in the DFG Research Training Group “Identity and Heritage”, TU Berlin |
Academic Education | |
2014 -2016 | Master of Arts Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt stadtethnologischer Forschung, Universität Regensburg |
2012 – 2014 | Bachelor of Arts Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Unesco Weltkulturerbe, Universität Regensburg |
Semester | Course |
Summer term 2024 |
Urban Criminality – theoretical and case study based perspectives on criminality in cities and criminalisation Course for M.A. Institute of Sociology at the TU Darmstadt |
Winter term 2023/24 |
Introduction in Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space Lecture B.A./M.A. Institute of Sociology at the TU Darmstadt |
Visual Methods in Spatial Research Course for M.A. Institute of Sociology at the TU Darmstadt |
Summer term 2023 |
Spaces of Racism. Forms of sociospatial exclusion and their Consequences Course for M.A., Institute of Sociology at the TU Darmstadt |
Social Theory on Dis_Orientation Course for B.A., Institute of Sociology at TU Darmstadt |
Winter term 2022/23 |
Spaces of Tourism Course for B.A., Institute of Sociology at TU Darmstadt |
Summer term 2022 |
A photo-based methodology for understanding belonging as a vital concept of mental health Course for M.A., Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Student Research Group (StuROPx) Charité Berlin |
Winter term 2021/22 |
Introduction to: Henri Lefebvre Course for M.A., Institute of Sociology at the TU Darmstadt |
Summer term 2018 |
Photography-based methods and methodological criticism in sociology Course for B.A., Institute of Sociology of the TU Berlin |

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2024 | “Spatial Concepts in German Sociology”, 2nd workshop on Spatial Concepts in France and Germany – from Sociology over Geography to Gerontology. SPAGE Conference 2024, 12.-13.02.2024, Université Grenoble Alpes. |
2024 | “Spacing and Materialisations of Discrimination. A Case Study of the ‘Tent City’ in Bensheim”, NUR Network Input& Talk on “Ephemeral Architecture”, 24.01.2024, TU Darmstadt. |
2023 | „Unsichtbarkeiten und Unzugänglichkeiten kulturellen Erbes. Bedeutungen für ethnografische Erhebungen und die Visuelle Diskursanalyse“ im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe “Nähe und Distanz – Fragen zur soziologischen Forschungspraxis“, 24.10.2023, TU Darmstadt. |
2023 | “Whose cultural property? Material and immaterial legacies of heritagisation and touristification processes from an urban sociologogy’s perspective”, DAAD Summer School “Practicing Interdisciplinarity in planning and design”, 3.09.-10.09.2023, Arequipa, Universidad de San Martín de Porres. |
2023 |
“Possibilities and Limitations of Participatory Videography Preliminary Pilot Phase results on initial spatial orientation from Dakar and Berlin”, Paper Session “Anth59 Visual tools to empower participatory research”, ECAS Conference 2023 African Futures, 2.06.2023, Universität zu Köln |
2022 | “Conceptualising Dis/Orientation and experienced cultural unfamiliarity from a sociology of space’ perspective”, Paper and Panel Organizer “The Psychology of Dis/Orientation and Dis/Integration on Urban Scales”, DeZIM Tagung, 07.10.2022, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2022 | „Participatory Videography in Interlinkeage with Theory of Science as Decolonial Praxis“, Joint Paper with Dr. Mame Birame Ndiaye in „S01. Ethnography as Spatial-Temporal Method“, Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference), 8.09.2022, Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability at the University of Sao Paolo |
2022 | “Visualizations of heritagization – the Kankurang Festival in the Gambia as imagery of return migration”, Paper Session “The post-return knowledge gap – epistemological implications and featured realities”, VAD e.V. Konferenz Africa-Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives, 9.06.2022, Albert-Ludwig Universität Freiburg |
2021 | “Can tourists be good neighbours? On New Urban Tourism and the practices of temporary and permanent neighbours in Berlin”, Paper Session “Proximity, relationality and mediated encounters: co-constituting urban dynamic through the everyday practices of neighbouring”, RC 21, 15.07.2021, University of Antwerp |
2019 | „Iconic Coherence of an Initiation Rite in Senegambia. Visualized Historicities of the Invisible Intangible Cultural Heritage“, Jahreskonferenz „Instabile Konstruktionen“ des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Identität und Erbe“, 21.11.2019, Technische Universität Berlin |
2017 | „Ikonische Stadtstrategien. Das Fassadenplakat und die Musterfassade als Instrumente machtpolitischer Repräsentation“, Konferenz der deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik (DGS e.V.): Grenzen. Kontakt – Kommunikation – Kontraste, 15.09.2017, Universität Passau |
Nework Urban Research (NUR) at the TU Darmstadt (Co-Founder and Coordination)
DGS – Section Urban and Regional Sociology
DGS – Section Migration and Ethnic Minorities (MueM)
VAD e.V. – Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften Deutschland
FFIA – Frankfurt Forum for Interdisciplinary Ageing Research (FFIA)