Dr. Allegra Celine Baumann
Urban and Spatial Sociology
Working area(s)
Urban and Spatial Sociology, DFG Projekt TuWiK
work +49 6151/16-57428
S3|13 331
Mail: Dolivostraße 15, 64293 Darmstadt
Residenzschloss 1
- Cities
- Tourism
- Critical Infrastructures
- Rhythmanalysis
Working Title: From the Cruise to the City – A Rhythmanalsysis of Cruise Tourism Circulation at the Traffic Infrastructure in Dubrovnik
In the context of pressure on the road infrastructure as a technical net-bound infrastructure, this thesis deals with the circulation of cruise tourism passengers in the city, the measures of the city government to handle overload situations, and conflicts which arise with locals.
This dissertation strives to answer the research question, how the criticality of the traffic infrastructure and its elements is produced and reproduced by the rhythms of the circulation of cruise tourism and urban society. Hence, a rhythmanalysis is undertaken using Henri Lefebvre’s concept of rhythmanalysis, converting it into empirical research and developing it further.
Academic Education | |
2022 |
Dr. phil. Sociology (magna cum laude) at TU Darmstadt “From the Cruise to the City – A Rhythmanalysis of Cruise Tourism Circulation at the Traffic Infrastructure in Dubrovnik“ (examiner: Prof. Dr. Sybille Frank, Prof. Dr. Jens Ivo Engels) |
2018-2022 |
Ph.D. student at the Institute of Sociology, Working Area Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space, TU Darmstadt (magna cum laude) |
2013-2020 |
Studies Bachelor of Science Environmental Engineering, Specialised Studies: „Space and Infrastructure Planning, Water and Soil Protection“, TU Darmstadt, Degree Bachelor of Science Environmental Engineering |
2013-2017 |
Studies Master of Arts Sociology, Specialised Studies: "Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space“, TU Darmstadt, Degree Master of Arts Sociology (with honours) |
2009-2013 |
Studies Bachelor of Arts Sociology, Specialised Studies: "Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space“, TU Darmstadt, Degree Bachelor of Arts Sociology |
Professional Training | |
Since 2023 |
Post-Doc Researcher in the DFG-funded Research Project “Tourismus und Wohnqualität in Kleinstädten” (TuWiK), TU Darmstadt |
2022 | Part-time lecturer „Stadt und Rhythmus“, MA Sociology, TU Darmstadt |
Guest lecture in the seminar „Henri Lefebvre“, Sociology, TU Darmstadt | |
Part-time Representation for Prof. Dr. Sybille Frank, Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space at TU Darmstadt |
2021 |
Workshop „Kreuzfahrttourismus und Kritische Infrastrukturen“, STUBE Hessen, World University Service |
Gastvortrag „A short walk through culture and tourism in Germany and concepts in the Sociology of tourism“, Prof. Dr. Carolin Lusby, Tourism Management, FU Miami |
Gastvortrag „City and Film“, BA Motion Pictures, Hochschule Darmstadt | |
2018-2021 |
Research Associate at the DFG-Research Training Group „Critical infrastructures: construction, functional crisis and protection in cities (KRITIS)“ at TU Darmstadt |
2020 |
Guest lecturer in the teaching research project of Prof. Dr. Sybille Frank, MA Sociology, TU Darmstadt |
2019-2020 | Part-time lecturer „Mitten im touristischen Zeitalter? – Perspektiven und Theorien einer Soziologie des Tourismus“, TU Darmstadt, BA Sociology |
2019 |
Guest lecturer „City and Film“, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, BA Motion Pictures |
2018 | Gastvortrag „Stadt im Film“, BA Motion Pictures, Hochschule Darmstadt |
Part-time lecturer „Integration sozialwissenschaftlicher Theorieangebote“, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, BA Applied Social Sciences |
2017-2018 | Part-time lecturer „Soziologie des Wohnens“, TU Darmstadt, BA Sociology |
2022: Dissertation Prize by the Section Urban and Regional Sociology at the German Sociological Association
2021: Emerging Scholar Award, Tourism & Leisure Studies Research Network
2020: Emerging Scholar Award, Tourism & Leisure Studies Research Network
2020: Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, at the invitation of Prof. Scott Cohen
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2023 |
Herbsttagung der Sektion Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie der DGS, Weimar (Germany) – Präsentation/Talk „Henri Lefebvres Rhythmusanalyse in der Stadtsoziologie: Eine empirische Umsetzung“ (application and selection by conference management) |
Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG) 2023, Frankfurt (Germany) – Präsentation/Talk „Im Rhythmus der Stadt: Tourismus und Rhythmenkonflikte“ (application and selection by conference management) |
2021 |
Tourism & Leisure Studies International Conference 2021, Dubrovnik (Croatia) – Präsentation/Talk „Cruise Tourism and Criticality of Infrastructure“ (application and selection by conference management) – online |
ISA Forum 2020, Porto Alegre (Brazil) – Präsentation/Talk „Cruise Tourism and Leisure“ (application and selection by conference management) – online |
2020 |
Tourism & Leisure Studies International Conference 2020, Dubrovnik (Croatia) – Präsentation/Talk „On the Move – Mobilities and Materialities in Cruise Tourism Research“ (application and selection by conference management) – online |
2019 |
International Tourism Conference Dubrovnik 2019, Institute for Tourism Zagreb, Dubrovnik (Croatia) – Präsentation/Talk „Overtourism and Urban Infrastructure“ (application and selection by conference management) – online |
Public lecture „Stadt und Natur in Darmstadt“, BUND Darmstadt (Germany) | |
Royal Geographic Society (with IGB) Annual International Conference 2019, RGS, London (GB) – Präsentation/Talk „Overtourism and Critical Infrastructure“ (application and selection by conference management) |
Training Research Group KRITIS International Conference 2019, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany) – PhD project presentation „Cruise Tourism and Critical Infrastructure“ |
Tourism & Leisure Studies International Conference 2019, Florida International University, Miami (USA) – Präsentation/Talk „Cruise Tourism and Overtourism“ (application and selection by conference management) |
Konferenz „Touristifizierung Urbaner Räume“ 2019, Universität Freiburg, Freiburg (Germany) – Präsentation/Talk „Kreuzfahrttourismus und Touristifizierung“ (application and selection by conference management) |
- German Sociological Association (DGS)
- DGS, Section Urban and Regional Sociology
- Network Urban Research (NUR), TU Darmstadt