The Chair of Empirical Social Research (Prof. Dr. Marek Fuchs) constantly offers topics for final theses. These are aimed at students who do not wish to propose their own topic for their thesis. Possible topics:
1. methodological research, e.g.
- Visual design language in online surveys
- Methodological problems of mobile phone surveys
- Methodological problems in surveys of children and the elderly
- Design effects in complex samples
- Non-response and non-response bias in population surveys
2. youth deviance, e.g.
- Violence in schools
- Youth groups, gangs and gangs
- Right-wing extremist attitudes and politically motivated violence
- Violence by girls and women
3. educational research, e.g.
- Educational inequality of socially disadvantaged groups
- Migration and education (kindergarten, school, university, vocational training)
4. new media, social media, e.g.
- Usage habits of Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Old people and new media
- Self-presentation and staging in social media
You are welcome to contact me with your own ideas on these and other topics.
In addition to the general topics mentioned on this homepage, I am currently looking for interested candidates for the following topics:
Suitable for BA
- Quality of election surveys in Germany
- Highly qualified immigrant groups
- Analysis of the population's attitudes towards surveys
Suitable for MA
- Conducting observations and experiments on smartphone use in online surveys
- Data quality with the elderly and very elderly
- Analysis of dropout behavior in online surveys
- Analysis of large, less systematic text volumes (big data) using data science methods
All theses include an empirical component; I do not supervise pure literature theses. This means that BA theses include a secondary analysis of quantitative data or a qualitative investigation, e.g. with qualitative interviews or a content analysis. An MA thesis can also include a primary collection of quantitative data (e.g. online survey, field experiment or laboratory experiment).
Please send a half-page outline of the topic by e-mail and register with Ms. Zobel ( for consultation hours.
Further formal information on the thesis can be found on the Institute pages under the heading Studies/Courses of Study.